Saturday, August 19, 2023

Rachael to Chuck & me to Kelly - in July (puttering)

Chuck kindly sent this envelope from Rachael - steal worthy - plus I have a whole sheet of those stamps. I guess I won't do the exact design - maybe just be inspired. Once again - I'll need to get out the nibs and ink.

And here are two that had problems - which is a sad way to welcome someone new to the exchange. 

First I spelled her name wrong. There is a tiny *ooops* written on the e. So, I did a *postcard* to tuck in the envelope. But, I used some markers that were not waterproof - so there is some muddiness. Grrr. I think I am going to give up on that second style - unless I find markers that do not show the layers.

This is exactly what I mean about puttering. These two offended my sensibilities. Normally, I would not even post them. But, I have to put my own solid advice into action - and forge ahead. It doesn't really matter what other people think of these. I do not care for them - but they did inspire me to get out the gouache. I knew I'd need Copics if I wanted markers that did not show layers and I know that I am not going to start investing in Copics. *Real time comment - Ohuhu markers come highly recommended (at a fraction of the cost) by Chuck. There is a longer post coming up - but you are welcome to do a search on YouTube and watch people rate them.*

And it's not like the first few envelopes done with gouache are any good. But they are a start. It's literally been YEARS since I got out my gouache. Should I expect the first few tries to be any good? Of course not. But, at least the gouache is out -- and it might lead to some good stuff.


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