1. just one way to do the Q, i prefer to make the tail narrower than the rest of the letter. 2 and 3 show choices on the G, either flat topped and bottomed, or at an angle.
4 is the D which you have already seen,, but refresh your memory on how it is fat at the ends, no crescents and the curve is not built on a circle, it is an arc, straight-curve-straight. 5 shows how the P's bowl is just short enough to make it a P. 6 shows the bowl on the R coming in lower than the center. 7 shows the bowl and leg formed with an S curve, rather than a sharp point that hits the straight stem. 8 is one of the more angular options. 9 is a kooky variation where the top bowl is too small, but, you can have fun and kick a leg out here and there.
10 B has two fairly symmetrical bowls. the point is not too sharp and may or may not touch the stem. 11, midpoint, visually in the middle, actually a little high. sharp point. 12 what i call the rickrack B. i like the curving in and out. 13 has a high midpoint and 14 has low. these would have to fit in with the other letters. i would not mix and match all these variations. 15 is angular.
16. on the U, you do not leave that space in the first stroke. i left it so you could see when it happens. most beginners try to make that curve after they are too close to the bottom. and you want to stop, with the nib leaving an angle, so that you have a little wedge of white space at the bottom. the second straight stroke on the U should have landed square at the bottom. 17. Z - i left some wedges so you could see the construction.
i think that covers them all.