Tuesday, August 27, 2024

July from Troy - teapots

I'm still in Chicago, so I can't pull this out and refresh my memory on what Troy wrote. I think it was about weather grams which I've mentioned previously. They are so much fun to make. If you have never heard of them you could do a search on the blog. I also did a quick search online and there are many hits. I really like the abstraction of the letters in my name and how he repeated some basic shapes. The infinity sign on top of the J is fun -- and good old Andy - happy to see those stamps again.

Yesterday I posted the post with the ceramics attachments. Today we have a long video - 40 minutes - with all the very detailed steps to making a ceramic teapot. I've spent enough time in a ceramic studio to have a good idea of how many steps there are to making a pot or a bowl - or maybe even a mug with a handle -- but this video adds sooooo.mannnnnnny.steppppppps. 

The spout, the handle and a lid that fits perfectly. It seemed like $1,000 worth of work to me. So I checked into his website and learned that his work sells out within minutes of posting. As I recall, the teapots are around $350 - but my memory is foggy. Anyhow - he looks like he really enjoys his work.


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