Saturday, August 31, 2024

July from Susan - The Tiger (book)

Beautifully coordinated colors and Susan's italic done two ways - looser and expressive for me and careful and legible for the USPS. The tiger stamps are so pretty - they should be on my shopping list.

 ...and speaking of tigers, boy do I have a book for anyone looking for a book to read. 

The Tiger: A True Story of Vengeance and Survival by John Vaillant

From Goodreads: Beautifully written and deeply informative, The Tiger circles around three main characters: Vladimir Markov, a poacher killed by the tiger; Yuri Trush, the lead tracker; and the tiger himself. It is an absolutely gripping tale of man and nature that leads inexorably to a final showdown in a clearing deep in the taiga.

To say it is "deeply informative" is an understatement. There is so much about a part of the world, the history and the people that is so interesting. I would recommend keeping a list of the people's names as they appear in the book. I really struggled with the foreign names - and rather than keep a list - I just bumbled through - being somewhat confused. The story is so compelling that I didn't lose that much by not always knowing who was saying or doing what. 

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