If anyone is paying attention, Robert is out of alphabetical order. Excuse du jour: I have spent the whole morning filling up the calendar. I have 15 to go after this one. Why am I in a tizzy to get the year filled up when it is only Sept 12th? Because it is Sept 12th. The year starts moving faster at the end. So many things pile up. I just have to stay right on top of everything. And we all know what comes after the end of the year - right? Yeah. The beginning of the next year. There's never a break. It's just like this never-ending conveyor belt of days. Relentless. Can anyone ever hear the word conveyor belt and not think of Lucy and Ethel at the chocolate factory? I wonder if any of the millennials ever saw that bit? I'll have to ask my kidlets. It's the quintessential image of -- of what? Loss of control? Never catching up? Sometimes I think the reason it was so memorable was that the *down side* of the whole situation was that they could not eat candy fast enough. That's exponentially frustrating for kids whose candy consumption was drastically limited.

In case any recent posts sounded snarky or any of my rantings sound like they might be directed at Mr Wilson, here is a complementary mixed-rant. I would prefer that he never go out and cross paths with anyone - but he has been active with our local food pantry for a few years - and still does some hauling - no direct contact with the recipients of the food.
Because he has a truck, he can transport a pallet of food once a week. They are usually around a ton. In the past there were 4 guys who helped unload the truck. One left for Florida for the winter. The other two have hurt their backs and are not available. In the past, one of those three guys had a truck, in case the entire food order did not fit in Mr Wilson's truck. On Friday, he asked me to drive out to the food warehouse in case the order wouldn't all fit in his truck. So I snapped a photo of him at the loading dock. When I got home, I saw the photo on IG - and while I do not have printed forms, for decades, I have handed out written notification. My notifications include a line where the notify-ee has to sign and date that they have read the notification.
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