Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Random item - lettering after a stroke

This is not an envelope, but it has lettering and art - so we will allow it.

Back in August, when I needed my medical records after my brain injury and requesting them online was not going well because the website was requesting a fax and I decided to just find the office and make the request in person. MrW took me to the hospital and we ventured into the subterranean level and made the request. The subterranean level was very drab - except for these paintings that had been done by stroke patients. 

Mercy Stroke Center

The top line says:
and under that it says

The words don't exactly make sense to me - but I really like the idea that someone launched the project and it found a home.

If anyone wants to explain why they might have chosen those words, please do. Maybe it is very obvious. Sometimes I can miss things that are obvious.
Of course, I'd love to know more about how they planned and executed the project. I'm a big fan of collaborative projects and have participated in quite a few over the years. If I ever think of a way to do a PTEX collaboration, we will do one. 

Our dear departed pen pal, Sam Price had asked me to figure out an Add-and-Pass option for the exchange. Maybe I should try that. Note to self - try it in January. 


In reviewing this topic right before it pops up, the enthusiasm for collaborating or adding-and-passing has dwindled. 


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