Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Sept to Hadley and Rachael

There are 4 different rubber stamps on this one - and because I love all thing postal - it would be hard for me to not like any of these. Of course - I could nit-pick at the lettering - but I will refrain.

I had the rubber stamped part of these two envelopes ready to go - just waiting for names and addresses - and then the one from Rachael arrived - that I just LOVED -so I had to give it a try. The elements are not arranged quite right - and there are several issues with the lettering - but, I had so much fun doing it that I'm not going to complain or nit-pick. I will be doing more of these - and will do the name first and then *stamp the livin' daylights* out of it. And then I'll owe a second one to Rachael. I guess I am predicting a binge....

Here is a re-run of the one from Rachael.

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