Sunday, October 6, 2024

June to Cathy, Irene, Ben and Alex

Apologies to Cathy. There seems to be no end to me churning out bad variations on a theme that should be  fool proof.

I don't know if this one has been posted - I think it might be in the wrong folder - It's the idea that Rachael sent to Janet and Janet sent to me - and I've used it several times. As I recall - this one was the best of the lot and I wonder if I was saving it for the grand finale and then forgot to post it. I sure don't see it in the archive....

And a couple more that were stuck in the June folder - 
and now we are done with June - yay!!

 Here's one with cryptic writing. I think I did this previously. I like the idea enough to buy more of these stamps.

I bought another sheet of these stamps - but might have to think of something different. I'm a bit weary of drawing little images.

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