Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Nov from Nanski (not Mary) - Cursive opportunity

11 am - today - I had an email from Mary - letting me know that this is not from her -- and I see that the postmark is Boston - do it must be from Nanski?? Sorry about that.

Mary specializes in cute drawings....although tomorrow there will be a drawing from her that's very nice - but not necessarily in the *cute* family. I like the way she used the turkey and those two strips of *foot prints* form the card - on the envelope. This how to start, if you are interested in decorated envelopes. 

At some point - probably in February - we will see an envelope from Liz. She is a new exchanger who  found the exchange through Feedly and signed up for the January exchange. I have no idea what Feedly is and no time to do research. So many people have found me through Pinterest. I was excited to have a new exchanger named Liz. It's a bold graphic set of letters. It's also a common nickname for Elizabeth - so if I confirm that she is an official Elizabeth and not allergic to seeing that name spelled out, I will be able to send her the extra Elizabeth mail that is in my stash of stuff from the olden days.

I always thought that Elizabeth and Christopher were the two best names for calligraphic treatment. But, I'm fond of nearly every name. I try to make friends with the names that challenge me.

This is very interesting - The National Archive is looking for people who can read cursive and transcribe old documents. You just pick a document and transcribe. You don't even have to apply and be accepted. You just sign up and start transcribing. If anyone does this, I hope they file a report with me so that I can post it to the blog. 

This links to the whole article.

This is a link to the National archive - with all the details and how to get started.

Here's an example of part of a document - I like how they carefully crossed out the mistake with a bold wavy line.


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