Sunday, January 5, 2025

Nov from Juliana - ok, let's take it outside


It looks like Juliana treated herself to some brush markers. This is a delightful design. Whatever set of markers she bought - it certainly has enough for a beautiful range of colors. Yummy.


Here's another Mediterranean story. When my daughter was in high school, she worked at a Mediterranean restaurant. She mentioned from time to time how intense the owner and his two sons could be. There was another older guy (T) who worked there and both the owner and T had come from the old country with less than $20 in their pockets. They had both worked hard and been able to start families and send their  kids to college. [Side note - after college, the boys tried other careers - but both returned to the restaurant world]

One time, I pulled into the restaurant and witnessed one of those scenes that up until then I had only seen in the movies. One of the sons and another person who worked there were out in the parking lot screaming at each other. I figured when I parked and got out of the car, they'd come to their senses and stop the public display. 

Nope. They just kept yelling. I went in, found my daughter, and we left. I was a bit concerned by what I had seen. She just shrugged it off....says it was not that unusual. I guess it prepared her for life in the big city. She certainly crossed paths with some animated people after she moved away from Des Moines.

One final story tomorrow - and I have to include it because it is the heartwarming balance to the first two stories. I don't like to stereotype people and I totally appreciate that every culture has a wide range of characteristics. I'm sure I look reserved and a bit chilly to a lot of people.

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