Monday, January 20, 2025

From Amy and Christy in October --- Missing envelopes

 It has came to my attention near the end of December that I had not posted all of the incoming mail. This disclaimer should be at the top of every post - I try to post everything - both incoming and outgoing - but - I can't figure out a system where I can keep track of photos. Trust me, I have tried many systems. I have numerous folders with images of envelopes. Half are mine and half are the ones that arrive. 

I'll put all the envelopes in a folder labeled with the month and then try to post them all in one sitting - but something always happens to interrupt me and then I don't remember what I posted. I can't figure out a foolproof way to *check-off* the ones that are posted. 

I am toying with the idea of just deleting all the folders of photos and starting a new system (as I write this on Dec 31st - knowing that a new exchange starts tomorrow) Deleting 7,000 photos seems like a bold move. On the other hand - they are all on the blog - so, in theory I could find them.....

Decisions. Decisions.


OK - I found them (Jan 12th) and I might be able to tell you who sent them. I am in Chicago - and was shocked to see that I had not finished the January blog posts before I left. So - the rest of the month will be more chaotic than usual.

This is from Oregon, so it must be from Amy.

This is from Ohio, so it must be from Christy

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