Sunday, January 12, 2025

Nov from Irene

 Irene's November envelope is stunning. Beautiful colors. It looks like she did the leaf shapes first - with one of the metallic watercolors - let them dry - did veins over the top with white gel pen and then zig zag edges with a gold metallic gel pen. 

In case anyone is paying attention, the November envelopes started out in alphabetical order and then that plan went sideways. The good news is, it looks like I am going to load every single November envelope that arrived in one afternoon - so I won't get mixed up. I think there is one missing. from Canada, but they had a postal workers strike - and I think I'm missing one from Australia - so those might be lost to the ages - even if they make it to my house. [Real time update - Australian envelope arrived and was agreeable to being lumped in with the Dec envelopes]

I'll finish up the incoming for Nov and then we'll probably do the Dec incoming envelopes since I already posted the outgoing Dec envelopes.

Irene's enclosure is something done with her new Procreate after only one lesson. 

Second real time update:
Some *lost* October envelopes will appear prior to Dec's envelopes.
Then there is the Dec mail that is not part of the exchange --- I'm not sure when to include those. Shout out to JanetW -- I was wildly excited to hear a couple things you wrote. I've always wondered if anyone who actually knows me reads the blog. 

Third real-real time update - it's Sunday morning and this blog post was not here at 5:30 am - I forgot to click 1:00 am - embrace the chaos.


1 comment:

  1. That chaos works for me. I'm embracing it! Throw all the December extras in at once, or if there are too many break them up in groups after November and regular December. I think I speak for the majority when I say we enjoy it any way it comes.
