Saturday, January 4, 2025

Nov from JeanR - observations


JeanR does the nicest coordinated cards and envelopes. I should ask for an update on how many she sends each month. I've known Jean since 2010 - she's one of the students who inspired me to start the blog so that I could stay in touch with students. I remember her mentioning how many cards she sends each. month - but, I have forgotten. It's a lot. Maybe she'll see this and shoot me an email.


I know, I know. The readers who love a good rant want to know why I suggested that I should not *get started* on the Mediterraneans. I need to make a chart on whether my writing is different when the cold brew coffee extract is fresh. I just made a new batch and feel extra chatty. This is not a rant. It's just an observation.

So, here's the thing - most of my formative years were spent in the Twin Cities with a ton of Scandinavians. Being half Scandinavian, I felt at home. In college, and beyond, I crossed paths with people from all over the world. It was enlightening and interesting. For a year, I lived in a Mediterranean  neighborhood and Oh.My.Gosh. I had never experienced anything like that.

Scandinavians are reserved and Mediterraneans are not. I know that's a broad statement - but I don't think it was an exaggeration. I'm sure if you're Mediterranean and you show up in a Scandinavian neighborhood, you wonder why everyone is half asleep. Or maybe you notice the sub-zero temps and figure they are half frozen and you leave.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Nov from Mary - blue jean + heritage


Here's a fun envelope from Mary. She enclosed a note wondering if I had received any other * blue jean* designs. I remembered one that I can't find - and then I found one that I had forgotten - from Leslie.

I think I will put the name *Blue Jean* on the exchange list for January.

In middle school, a few of my friends called me Greenie Jeannie, because they noticed that I wore a lot of green. In February, if I remember, I will put Greenie Jeanie on the exchange list - or maybe save it for March in case there are St Patrick's day themes. Keep in mind, my mom would get all uppity in March and declare that it was self centered of the Irish to think that they deserved their own day. I'm neutral about the whole thing. I identify most closely with my Finnish/Swedish/Norwegian heritage and we are too busy staying warm to get worked up about those people who have the luxury of temperate climates and time to party and celebrate. 

And don't get me started on the Mediterraneans. 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Nov from Janet - resolutions and motivation

By the way - my trusty co-pilot has compiled a list of birthdays. Some of the regular exchangers like to know about birthdays so they can send a greeting if they do not end up on the same list during a birthday month. IT IS ENTIRELY OPTIONAL to be on the list. If you would like to be on the list and have the list - email me [ ptenvelopes(at)aol(dot)com ] and the co-pilot will send you the list of birthdays. This does not guarantee that you will get anything and it does not obligate you to send anything. It's just a list for people who like to send birthday mail. Note to co-pilot: remind me to run this announcement next January

These are beautiful stamps - I had never seen them - but was happy to find them online. They were issued in 1994. I'm honored to be the recipient. I wonder if Janet knows that those 4 stamps, in mint condition are selling for $9-$10. It was nice to have the stamps a little bit low on the envelope so that they were not obliterated by the cancel.

Link below if you want to read more about the stamps.


I hesitate to join the ranks of people who make New Year's resolutions. Technically, my year is a series of 12 mini-years. I'm just a perpetual resolution-making-machine. The blog evolved into a 15 year project that has been wildly educational for me and hopefully entertaining for my readers. 

I'm writing this on the day before the official Thanksgiving, so, I'm awash in thankfulness and wanted to thank the readers and exchangers one more time. 

We are all weary travelers on our paths into the unknown. We hardly ever get do-overs. A lot of us are in the deterioration phase of our lives. Old people can be so annoying with their advice to the youngsters. You'll be happy to know that I do not have any advice. If you want to take that photo as a little heads up that's fine with me. 

My resolution for today is to clear a bunch of photos off my phone - because my phone told me it doesn't have enough storage for the newest update. Nothing like your phone being the primary motivational entity in your life.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year - January exchange sign-up

Well - 2025 is off to a strange start. It's 5:36 AM

I forgot to do a post - 

Sign up the regular way for the January exchange --- and I'll add something after I finish my coffee. 

***Here is the usual format for sign-up - I'll find an envelope in a minute (5:40 AM)

Time for the January exchange sign-up.

Today through January 4th is the window to sign-up. Lists are sent on the 5th.

If you participated in the December exchange - just shoot me an email that says: SIGN ME UP - you do not need to retype your address and info.

Let me know if it is your [Birthday] month or if you are willing to be on [2 Lists].

If you were not on the November list - or only sign up occasionally - or are a new exchanger - please send your information in the following format:

Jane Doe
123 Oak Street
Ames, IA 50010
[Birthday]  [2 Lists]

Send to PTEnvelopes-at-aol-dot-com


OK - here's an envelope. I found it by Googling *mail art* which I have not done for a long time.

It came from this blog:

The blog ends with a post from 2018.