Monday, February 17, 2025

JAN from Janet --- Happy 15th Birthday/Anniversary for the Blog

As I've mentioned - the order of posting of the envelopes is strictly by the order they were it was just the luck of the draw that Janet gets to be the celebratory exchanger on the blog's 15th birthday. I'm soooo kicking myself that I didn't have this planned out - and invite her to a party to celebrate the honor of being the celebratory envelope. She is an over achiever in the dessert category (as well as a few others). So, it just dawned on me - it's Jan 26th as I write this. I have plenty of time to organize a party for the blog and invite Janet.....  it's tempting -- but, I think it will be more fun if I just let her read the blog this morning and bask in the honor of being the 15th Birthday enveloper. 

I think I had tossed out this style of lettering that she used and suggested that lots of people try it. Is she the only one who tried it? She was not happy with the shakiness of her lines - but I assured her that it was way better to have the lines be something other than smooth. They have so much more life. I just love this one. It's a very tricky font.

*** this part written while I was out of town earlier in January.

Well, here we are -  the 15th anniversary of the blog. I'm waiting for a brilliant idea for a special add-on. It's still 0° outside. Maybe I'll just head on over to Pinterest and see what they think I should post.

These were the first 4 items in the top row.

 A pretty. alphabet - that is the mixed-style that I've been enjoying these days.

A reminder to keep up with my self-discipline.

A snowflake - a pretty one - to offset the February chill.

And -  a snarky comment about age - yeah, yeah, yeah - everything gets old - 

Thanks to everyone who has helped me keep this going for 15 years....


  1. Congratulations on 15 years!

  2. Happy 15th! You make my life brighter and inspire me to create outside of my comfort zone! Thank you!

  3. Amazing accomplishment! You and your blog are an inspiration to grasshoppers everywhere

  4. Happy blog birthday! What a wonderful and amazing gift you’ve offered every day for 15 years, Jean. I am honored that my shaky letters were feature-worthy on this memorable day. May I suggest a party to celebrate the blog’s 15 1/2 birthday? Gotta warm up by then …..
