Saturday, February 1, 2025

February Exchange Sign-up + Dec from Sue/Smash


Seeing this envelope from Susan, I wanted some of the Winterberry stamps - and thought they were something new that I missed. Sadly, they came out in 2019, so I might have trouble finding them. And here is the card from Susan/Smash. I think we can be joyful that we made it through January and by the end of February we'll be ready for March - the mixed bag month - and then spring - another joyful time of year.

Here were all 4 winter berry stamps. Juniper berry, beautyberry and soapberry

Time for the February exchange sign-up.

Today through February 4th is the window to sign-up. Lists are sent on the 5th.

If you participated in the January exchange - just shoot me an email that says: SIGN ME UP - you do not need to retype your address and info - unless it has changed.

Let me know if it is your [Birthday] month or if you are willing to be on [2 Lists].

If you were not on the January list - or only sign up occasionally - or are a new exchanger - please send your information in the following format:

Jane Doe
123 Oak Street
Ames, IA 50010
[Birthday]  [2 Lists]

Send to PTEnvelopes-at-aol-dot-com

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