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Friday, February 28, 2025
The dark envelope problem - - beautiful invention
Thursday, February 27, 2025
JAN from Connie and Sharen
I deleted the original add-on that was just a drivel about filling up February. I wrote something different. Now it is 3 days prior to this post popping up and once again, I have deleted the drivel.
Let's get out there and have productive days unless we need quiet days of respite.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
2024 from Valerie - Cups video
I hear from Valerie every January. She includes a postcard and a nice bookmark to keep me up to date on which moon is arriving. This year she included a nice note about her love of all things celestial which I really enjoyed. I'm thinking of assigning essays to people so we can get to know each other better. But - I'm not sure anyone wants me to share person info on the blog - so - I'll just let that brilliant idea wander off to the kitchen and see what's the easiest thing to eat.
Did anyone think that I would sneak one more dance notation video in? This is not dance - but it is a video - and I thought it would be fun to have my granddaughter learn it. She takes both voice and dance - so I thought it would appeal to her. It's from the movie Pitch Perfect - where Anna Kendrick is auditioning and she does a very fun percussion piece with a cup to go with the song.
On my last trip to Chicago, I pulled up the video and showed it to my granddaughter and asked her if *we* should learn it. Her eyes lit up. We had lots of fun.
If you have grandkids (or kids) this is a very fun song (and *dance*) to learn. There are many tutorials on YouTube - and some fun ones where a whole group of kids do it in a circle at a table.
LINK to the song in the movie - 1:15 min
LINK to a bunch of kids this one goes on for a while - the first 30 seconds are enough.
LINK to older kids this one is just 4 people - but they are really good. There are a gazillion CUPS videos on YouTube - both performances as well as tutorials.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
JAN from Susan - Last dance notation post
I promise - this is the last of the dance notation - but this is exactly what was in my head when I wondered how choreographers could make notes on how a particular dance should go. There is so much to dance that is 3D - and with an infinite amount of possibilities - how do they communicate the specifics.
Here is a video that illustrates one system. I love how the word *gibberish* is included.
The calligraphers will remember Pendance studio - maybe it is still around. Also there was that unbelievable beautiful dance performance that appeared in several places - maybe I can find it - and repost it. I'm pretty sure it's been mentioned on the blog - but it would be a looooong time ago.
I found it - and will add it to a post at the end of March.
Monday, February 24, 2025
JAN snake from Rachael ---- more dance notation
So yesterday when I wrote that I had uncharacteristically forgotten to ask Google when I was wondering how dancers wrote down specific dances - did you all know that I'd be doing that and subjecting you to what I found?
So. Many. Styles. Such a deep rabbit hole.
Sunday, February 23, 2025
JAN from Patty - Dance notation
Well, this is funny - it is still Jan 26th -- so the add-on blurb below was written before I wrote this one.
I have come around, full circle to the 6 add ons that I did this morning. I filled up February - and then I went back and photographed the January envelopes.... and it is almost 4 pm. I have taken breaks to do laundry and fix food - but this is probably the longest I have ever spent on the blog in one day. Hopefully they aren't full of wacko stuff that I have to replace...
As I write this on Jan 26th, and see that I am less than a month ahead on scheduling the posts - I could do 6 posts in row during my morning coffee and maybe they will be OK. I'll start with random items that I email to myself at my storage unit email. It's my version of hoarding.
Clover sent me a link to an archive - which I have already posted (the one about snowmen) - but here it is again:
Scroll down at the link to see more pages - like this one - which is interesting - but too much for an envelope. Many of the others would work for a border.
Saturday, February 22, 2025
JAN from Mary -- mailman photo
LINK to a whole lot more -- Antoinette, the cow statue, a children's museum, the Cheese Counter and Dairy Heritage Center just to name a few -- and many camps.
This was lost in the downloads - Chuck sent it a. while back.
Friday, February 21, 2025
JAN from Mary - snowmen from archive (from Clover)
Clover sent me a link to an archive back in January. It arrived as I was re-adjusting to my return to Des Moines and the weather was cold so I had a good excuse to surf around the archive. The snowman archive caught my eye. Here is one from Iowa in 1918.
LINK to main page of archive in case you are not curious about snowmen
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Berlin, 1913 |
Thursday, February 20, 2025
JAN from Lynne and Maggie --- Blot printing
*** written in Chicago in mid-January
It's still 0° - here's someone else with some inspiration to try something new - or maybe you have already tried it and want to try again. Blot printing.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
JAN from Juliana - Handmade broom
February filler. The making of a broom. I still like brooms although, the part where you have to deal with the pile of whatever you swept up can be a problem. My dream house would have some kind of trapdoor where you stepped on a pedal and then swept the stuff into some kind of receptacle. This is a step up from my dream house for kids that was entirely tile with a hose and a drain in the middle of the room.
Can anyone tell that I have been left in charge of 3 kids? (written while I was in Chicago in January)
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
JAN from JeanR ---- Offbeat
A quick add-on today - offbeat places to visit in each of the 50 states.
It was impossible to choose one or even a few to post. Many of them are well known - others were new to me and I've been a big fan of offbeat for quite some time. Many years ago I found Offbeat Bride - which was lots of fun because I was doing so much wedding work. They have morphed into OffbeatWed - and I will let you do your own search if you are interested. Over the past 10-15 years - offbeat has become way more offbeat. Ten years ago, it was mostly goth and steampunk.
Monday, February 17, 2025
JAN from Janet --- Happy 15th Birthday/Anniversary for the Blog
Well, here we are - the 15th anniversary of the blog. I'm waiting for a brilliant idea for a special add-on. It's still 0° outside. Maybe I'll just head on over to Pinterest and see what they think I should post.
These were the first 4 items in the top row.
A pretty. alphabet - that is the mixed-style that I've been enjoying these days.
A reminder to keep up with my self-discipline.
A snowflake - a pretty one - to offset the February chill.
And - a snarky comment about age - yeah, yeah, yeah - everything gets old -
Thanks to everyone who has helped me keep this going for 15 years....
Sunday, February 16, 2025
JAN from Irene - CeeCee's doodle/painting
Here is another video about nudging your doodling into nicely designed patterns - that hopefully I have not already posted.
If I did post this previously, I doubt I included the part where it shows that she is doing her voice over from her bed - and she calls it *relaxing painting and doodling - for all levels - that sounds like something I would promote.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
JAN from Amy and Christy --- Ann Miller's take on Titivillus
I hope this link takes you to Ann B. Miller's Substack - which is like a blog - or maybe not. I am signed up to get her mailings. I have not figured out Substack, yet. It seems like people can offer everything for free or just a part for free and then you need to subscribe to get everything. But, I digress.
Ann's post is about our little friend, Titivillus, the gremlin that causes all our problems if we are scribes or people who write things. I'm not sure we can blame pie-mistakes on him.
If you do a search for [Ann Miller] on my blog - you'll see where I've posted other items from her blog.
A 14th c. illustration of Titivillus, known as the "patron demon of scribes", a scapegoat to be blamed for the errors that occur when copying manuscripts. [This was the caption on Ann's post]
Oh - here is some info - from the end of Ann's blog - that explains some of how Substack works:
NOTE TO ALL: This blogpost on Substack will always be free. I will never charge for the regular newsletters. Think of the “paid” area as more of a classroom or discussion area, where we can be a bit more interactive.
PAID SUBSCRIBERS: All paid subscriptions are now $75 annually or $7.50 monthly. I am eager to devote time to interactive projects and individual discussions on this basis. For you, it’s an ongoing investment in your research and graphic skills in the book arts, handwriting, and letterform/calligraphy. I will be posting exercises that you can follow and work with on your own and upload for feedback. It’s a floating classroom, and I hope you will find it helpful!
EDUCATIONAL DISCOUNT: I’m now offering a special 50% discount on the annual paid subscription for art instructors and those in the art education field.
Friday, February 14, 2025
Rerun valentine to Eric Bruth -- Wearable art
Wearable art - a topic that comes up from time to time. This is an episode of Craft in America.
This one is pretty although it would have to be a lot more subtle for me to wear it -- less contrast with the colors. And while the words are right up my alley, I'd make them a little smaller - or a lot smaller.