Friday, March 14, 2025

FEB to Phillip and Lynne - Checkerboard Madness

I have a new address for Chuck. Any veteran exchangers who would like his address - email me and I will pass it along. For the newer people, I met Chuck through the calligraphy guild 25+ years ago. There are lots of envelopes from him - you may see them by doing a *Chuck* search on the blog.

For some reason I decided to try Checkerboard Madness without using a ruler.  I should have doubled up the LL in Phillip - so that it had the same number of squares in each row. I'm not sure how I feel about the black border but I do like the stamp overlapping the name. Rachael's original design used one of the round stamps - and I think those stamps are perfect for this idea. 

Here is another one that's pretty good. It is a smaller envelope - A6 - that was tucked into a larger envelope with actual postage.


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