Thursday, March 13, 2025

FEB to Leslie - Sheila and Kurt quotes


After the L-E-S - the next row was going to be - LI-E-K - and I didn't want to stack one E on top of another E - so I switched the letters around - and then - saw that I still had an E stacked on an E. Note to self... once you break the first rule of putting names in two rows - with the letters in the proper order - stop thinking about which letter goes where and let the aesthetics run the show.

One of the alternatives that evolved was careful rows of lines - instead of cross-hatching. Then there is. the option of what direction to make the lines. So.Many.Options. It's not a huge issue - but checker boarding the colors was way too complicated for me. I could do it if I started an envelope right after the morning coffee...but not when I've been doing several of these in one sitting.


Today is Sheila Waters birth-date - March 13, 1929. On the morning of March 18, 2022 - Sheila did not wake up. A gentle exit for one of the rock star scribes who touched many lives. This is a lovely quote done by Cancelleresca. 

Here is another piece of lettering by Cancelleresca - words from Kurt Vonnegut.
Images will be much clearer if you go to her IG

I like the word spacing better on her uncials. I'd tighten up the word spacing on the italics. If you go to her IG page there are a number of examples that have tighter word spacing. So - maybe she chooses different spacing for a reason.

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