Sunday, December 29, 2024

Nov from Cathy - Visigoth versals


I'm guessing Cathy used the technique where she wrote in walnut ink and then dropped some kind of gold fluid on top of it while it was still wet. She enclosed a note saying it was homework from a John Stevens' class where students were instructed to make the thin strokes thick - and the thick strokes thin. The Ben Shahn letters do that, too. This is definitely something I should put on my to-do list for when I pull out the ink and nibs. The style below looks like loads of fun - but also more challenging.


This is a snippet from The Morgan Library's website where they have soooo many things to see.
I found it by following a path from info about a class to be taught by Risa Gettler through the San Diego chapter of the Society of Scribes - a California calligraphy guild. It's a Zoom class in March. Details are here:
You need to be a member of the guild - and there are only 20 in the class - so - most of us will just have to cobble together our own interpretations of the style. I'm up for channeling my inner Visigoth :-) Google added that capitalization. Interesting. No time to research Visigoths - maybe later.

If you just want to look at hi-res images of the book - here's a link:

Here is an image from the invitation to the class:

1 comment:

  1. The last one is so nicely done (although it took me a minute to understand the last line, despite the earlier visual clue)
