There were several No. 9 sized envelopes in the Nov exchange. This is such a pretty stamp. If I were organized, I would keep a folder of all the different ideas that show up with this stamp.
I don't know if Carolyn is fascinated by numbers. I think there are others who are - or maybe not. I've always liked numbers. My only complaint is that the letter O and the number zero - O are too close and I am twice as bothered by the number 1 being too similar to a capital-I as well as a lower case -L (l). It's confusing. It's been going on for centuries and we can't even blame one person for making up such a ridiculous system. And now it is too late to remedy the situation. We just have to stare at that *thing* they call a *number* on our plane ticket --- and I always get O or is it an 0 --- at the very least - you'd think they'd put the slash on the zero......grrrr.....
**** sorry for the mini-rant - here's something fun. with numbers -
69 squared = 69 x 69 = 4761
69 cubed = 69 x 69 x 69 = 328509
Combine the two results and put the digits in order: 4761 328509
4 7 6 1 3 2 8 5 0 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
They use all ten digits with no repeats.
Fascinating math. A pangram is a sentence that uses all the letters of the alphabet at least once. What's a math problem/equation called that uses all 10 digits at least once?