Monday, September 23, 2024

Aug from Grace - Haley's envelope ideas

Grace went in a collage direction in August and had some lovely nautical stamps. The lettering is more casual to look more like penmanship rather than formal calligraphy even though it helps a lot if you've worked on your calligraphy to be able to toss off something as fun as that.

One of the exchangers made a comment indicating a wishfulness to be able to draw. I was (am) always looking for ways to show people that drawing is something that can be fun and easy. I ran across Haley Ivers' work and it is a perfect example of how much fun it can be to draw some very simple shapes and *voila* you are drawing. 

Here's a link to her blog:

I'd rearrange the watermelon to leave the top corner open for the stamp


The lemon is my favorite - but I like the vines. Rather than drawing each tiny leaf, I would use a brush marker to tap-tap-tap them.

I would NOT recommend doing the name and address at an angle on a petal - as she did no the one below.
I'd put the center of the flower in the upper left corner  which would leave enough white space for the name and address. Or position the petals so that one of them was horizontal for the scanner.


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