Friday, January 5, 2024

Nov-Dec monsters to Smash - tie-dye sheep

Shout out (and thank you) to Lindy - a reader who emailed yesterday to tell me that there was a typo in the announcement about postal rates going up. It was a cute graphic - but not from the USPS. Next time I see the IG account with the cute graphics I'll post something - I can't remember the name.

Here is the correction - the rates go up on Jan 21 ---

Since I've been appropriating Smash's idea so often, I figured I would send her a thank you for the idea. This envelope was in the stack of envelopes that were started and then set aside. That stack seems to be resolved. 

Some of my favorite envelopes have been cartoonish - with *characters* making comments. It's a very fun way to send mail when you are not in the mood to do something more traditional. And speaking of non-traditional - I saw this quilt on Pinterest - along with lots more that have very non-traditional approaches to quilting. Seems like I forgot about quilting for a while - but now it's back.

Here is a link to buy the pattern for the quilt.
I think it would be more fun to make it without using a pattern - but that's just me.

If you are a quilter - check out the rest of her quilt patterns - some of them lean in a nicely contemporary direction.


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