Sunday, December 31, 2023

Nov (wedge brush) to Amy

Here is a before and after. It seemed wimpy. I liked the fine lines - but they didn't go with the stamp. I am not sure the next layer on the lettering was an improvement. It's very hard to do a smooth *thicker-izing* of strokes that are that fine. 

The blue wedge-brush-strokes needed some brown. I'm fine with those square dots. It's a shame that the lettering and the design do not complement that gorgeous stamp. I have a good excuse. I had been looking at Irene's instagram - and it was full of gorgeous wedge brushing - so I impulsively pulled out my wedge brush and just started doing random designs on the left side of the envelope.

Impulsive seems like so much fun - at the time - but then I kill way too many hours trying to make the impulsive go with a stamp. Will I refrain from impulsivity in 2024? We can dream.


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