Here is another design that I appropriated and I am deeply regretting that I did not add the floral design over the name - that was on the inspiration envelope. I intended to - and then forgot as I blundered my way through a total of 44 envelopes that I did when I combined my Nov-Dec envelopes. I'm the only one who does that.
I've pondered - for Nov-Dec of this year - making the the Nov exchange into Nov/Dec - so that everyone can do the same thing that I do - and then those of us who work ahead can get our Dec mailings out before the peak season at the post office. You would not be required to send the Dec envelopes early - it would be entirely optional.
I guess I have 10 months to ponder that idea. A lot can change in 10 months.....
It is time to sign up for the January exchange.
Sign up is Jan 1 thru Jan 4 - Lists will be emailed on the 5th.
Send your info to -- PTEnvelopes[at]aol[dot]com
John Doe
123 Oak Street
Ames, IA 50100
(birthday) (2 lists)
Add this info if it is your birthday month or if you are willing to be on two lists - which happens when I need to make the lists come out even
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