Monday, January 8, 2024

To postal workers

Back in November I posted the Janis Joplin envelope. It was inspired by the envelope from Rachael that is way better. These are from the envelopes I did for the people who work at my son's station. Rather than run them one at a time - I grouped them. It's not that I do not try as hard on envelopes to postal workers I will never meet - but - I do get into a different frame of mind. As far as I know none of them will ever be doing their own envelopes. Maybe the *just crank them out* mind set is way different - but I can honestly say - some of these end up being ideas that really please me. I like Daniel's a lot. Obviously I like Margo's - and even Troy's is nice. It's a very old style that I did so often it's basically retired from anything I do in the exchanges - but now I wonder *why?* Maybe I should put it back into rotation. It goes well with that stamp - and I think I have one of those left to use up. 

Here's my hesitation - If I tried it on Troy Brooks, his last name will be too long. I have to find someone with the right length last name....or maybe I should just start spelling people's names with missing letters so that they fit better?

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