i felt so guilty about posting something that wasn't an envelope that i went ahead an made an envelope. it is to our envelope representative from texas who sent me a snail address. i am really excited to have the name timothy to work with. it has a lot of fine letters. (my two newest reps, cathy and candy - in addition to kathy- had me a little scared that the state reps would be dominated by 5-letters-ending-in-y names)
anyhow, this is what came of the inspiration quilt below. i used jan's faber castell markers for the main name and a couple of the accent colors. then i used a navy zig writer for the outlining and fill in. one of these days, when i set up a web cam, i will have very detailed lessons on the sequence of detailing on these kinds of letters.
there were darker spaces where the faber-castell overlapped, so i added some details with a matching zig. i included some Xs after i found the amish quilt stamp. i did not find any of the gees bend quilt stamps.
the gees bend quilt below would have been my choice for a stamp. but it was not one that was offered on the page.
ok, back to work. [ha]