Saturday, December 14, 2013


hester said she wanted the full bird alphabet. A was easy. B and C were so hard i gave up and started to write names. then i figured that other people had probably already made bird alphabets. i googled and there are a few, but nothing like this. one lady has an interesting bird bone alphabet. i will respect her request to not repost without permission. but you can view her bird-bone alphabet here:

or her website

i'll put this in the stack of *finish later*


  1. I like the birds - particularly the heads with the one inquisitive little eye.

    Looks like lower case letters are going to be the way to go. I think if you turned the e upside down it would work for 'c', and also for 'b' (which could then be reversed for 'd). I like your use of wings for 't' and 'r'. Should make 'f' easy.

  2. hmm, yes i see the dilemma of an entire flock. The small "i" is the cutest. I checked out the bird bone one, what some people can create.

  3. This would be a great project for A Letter A Week 2014.
