Saturday, September 28, 2024

Aug from Patty - worm + museum video

 Patty pulled out her watercolors - I wonder if she has signed up for more classes. I'll have to ask her. As previously mentioned, I met Patty when I was teaching at the art museum in my back yard. In a recent email from the museum there was a link to a video which I am attaching along with another video of a worm - also in my back yard. 

Actually, there are two worms. I found the large one and scooped it into the trowel and took it over to a place where I would not be digging. Then I found the smaller one and thought it might be a parent child situation so I brought the large one back and left them alone while they burrowed back into the ground. So worms burrow? Or is there a better word.

Here is the  LINK to museum video. It is 2 minutes. 

Yes, this is an odd juxtaposition - I'm doing research on attaching videos to my posts and the worms seemed a little odd - so the museum link is supposed to balance out the oddity.

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