Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Aug from Leslie

This hot envelope arrived from Leslie. The style of lettering d-a-n-c-e-s across the envelope.
Once again, she had a clever way to arrange all three names.
Grrrrr at the postal worker who added the entirely unnecessary Sharpie slash. The stamp is clearly canceled - and it looks nice to have it centered.

I ran this envelope a couple weeks ago and said I would run it again and include the goodies that were inside. First goodie is the card with the colors that were peeking through the cut out shapes.

Second goodie is this adorable little card - seen from the front and then the inside.

And here is is flipped over.

Wait. There's more.
Another cut paper name.
So cool. 
I am having fond memories of my foray into cut alphabets - 
and then I developed tennis elbow from too much cutting
and that was the end of my cut-based art.


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