Sunday, September 22, 2024

Aug from Juliana - 7 videos

This style that Juliana used for her August envelope looks somewhat familiar. I remember one that I called wrought iron - although they might be different. I'd have to do some digging to compare. I like how it is very legible - to humans. I wonder what the scanner made of it. It arrived promptly, so maybe the scanner liked it.

I never know if anyone looks at the links that I post in the add ons. There was a video with yawning a couple weeks ago and if you back tracked on that link, you would have found that the maker of the yawning video had other videos. I watched all of them and then put the link in a folder so I must have liked them well enough to think that they would make a good add-on. Sometimes I include disclaimers if I think there is anything that is a little too far out. I would have to re-watch all of them to see if any of them are far-out, and I don't have time, so you are on your own.

I'm pleased that so far, I have never heard back from anyone that the things I post are too far out. My readers are so polite. Or maybe they are far out. 


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