Thursday, September 26, 2024

Aug from Mary - Jane Brocket on dots

Mary had fun with Popeye and Olive Oyl. I remember reading Popeye comics as a kid and I thought Olive was lovely. The whole thing with Bludo/Brutus really bothered me. I just allowed myself 5 minutes of research and Oh.My.Gosh - that was too much information. My child-like gut-instinct that a big thug was not entertaining was an appropriate insight. 

Cathy sent me this w.o.n.d.e.r.f.u.l. blog post from Jane Brocket that is right up my alley - Jane loves dots - and there are many wonderful examples. She does a good job of embracing all the different ways of experiencing dots - with the exception of Damien Hirst's dots - which makes no sense to me. I love his dot paintings - 

She said: All these marks are so very different to the famous but lifeless, sterile spot paintings by Damien Hirst

I like his work for precisely the reason she doesn't like them - they would be easy to replicate. To her, that is lifeless and sterile - but to me - anyone who makes art that I can duplicate is being wildly generous. I don't mind that he is making big bucks - that's the path he is on. I love that I learned how to make Sol LeWitt paintings - his whole *thing* was coming up with the concept - and letting other people execute it. 

Thank you SO MUCH Cathy for sending this

This is just the first image - there are a lot more that are even more to my liking.


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