Sunday, May 26, 2024

APR to Patty (Jordan) - Just like Christmas

Somehow, I forgot to put Patty on the list - so I had to scramble at the last minute. This was so bad, I used it to write a *deep regret* memo to put inside the one below which is actually worse. I should have put DORN under the PATTY and then ACKER in the third line - 5-4-5 would have been so much better.

I requested Patty's maiden name (which she sent) so we'll see if I can do some better envelopes using her maiden name which I am happy to report is not Schwartzentruber.  I actually knew someone with that last name. 

At least there was that one time that I did a beautiful Patty - it was the one with the flowers in the Y of the Y. 


I have a fairly large folder of fan mail - and some saved emails. This came in an email and it needs to be shared with my readers:

I love when it’s the 1st of the month because it means it’s time to sign up for the envelope exchange!  And it’s like Christmas morning on the 5th because then I get my list for the month!! 😊

Yes -- that's the kind of email that just makes my day. I went through a terrible slump after that 6 week ordeal with the Martian Death Cough. I didn't do extensive whining on the blog since I was aware of several other ordeals that were going on at the time - all things that were far worse than my little cough.

So, here we are with our ups and downs - and our mail. Feel free to shoot me an email with any whining or venting. I won't post it on the blog. Glowing fan mail, however, will be shared once in a while.

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