Thursday, May 23, 2024

APR (and May) to Mary - Mutant lettering

I hardly ever delete a post - but the red envelope to Mary was so bad, I had to do something. I did a better envelope for her in May which is this one.

It is still not very good. I should have done two ice cream cones for the M - where they were *splat* up-side-down - then a party hat for the A - and I could have done a much better R with 2 or 3 feathers - or maybe Band-Aids -- and why is there a Band-Aid on a party stamp?

Below is the April envelope to Mary which is an atrocity. I'm only including it because it was a series of problems that did not resolve on this envelope but it did offer some ideas that I ended up liking.

In theory, this could have been a happy hybrid of Wes Wilson and Jordan - instead it is a nasty mutant. I wish I had used a lighter pink marker for those little envelopes. I love the idea of the little envelopes with that stamp so much that 20 people will be getting something like this. I'll experiment with different fonts.

This new system where I write the blog posts before I send the envelopes might be the best thing that has happened in 2024. Of course - the superstitious lizard that is living in my head will not allow me to celebrate lest a celebration of something good sets off the inevitable balance-maker-of-bad-stuff.

For those of you who thought I could have come up with something better than *mutant* to describe the lettering, you are correct. I went on a mission to find a better word - and I found so many I just had to share the list. That's a doozie of a list.

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