Thursday, May 9, 2024

APR to Jordan -. Kit Davey


When Paula signs up for the exchange, if I have time, I enclose envelopes for the other clerks at her station and use stamps that I have collected off mail. I really like the way this one turned out. I had done a few envelopes that were wretched - and then I got into a nice groove. I hope I can remember to do some more of this style.


Lettering and handmade books go hand in hand. It takes a LOT of self control for me to not lapse into making little books. Here is someone who popped up on IG - and she claims that all of her materials are recycled. From what I know about books - it would seem like she'd need some predictable paper and card stock for some of the base layers. Or maybe she only starts a book if she has enough for a base - like in the one pictured - maybe she has a huge pile of some long black paper.

LINK to Kit Davey's website

LINK to Kit's IG

I had a hard time choosing an image to go with these links. She has a broad range - and occasionally veers into that lane that is popular in some circles - but not a lane I care for. Just mentioning so you won't be shocked if you have delicate sensibilities. It's nothing you haven't heard or seen if you've ever housed a teenage boy.

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