Friday, June 5, 2015

hester's peacock

my second idea for the peacock requestees. i like the idea better than my execution. i had to try some very quick tiny lines for the feathers to see if they were just as nice as the carefully drawn ones on smash's. sadly, they are not. so far, i would say this is worse than the first one. do you think they keep getting worse?


  1. This is amazing. I don't know how it could possibly be worse than the other one.

  2. thank you, but it is just a rough idea. i hope i have time to do a version that is worthy of being called amazing.

  3. Wonderful idea!! I like the execution as well. Bravo!

  4. Great idea. I was surprised when you wrote that this is worse than the others. I enjoyed both ideas.

  5. My names in feathers, wonderful
