this is a bit offtopic - because it is about paper, not mail
but, i am posting it because finnbadger made a comment about project runway and their fabric design challenge. i have always wanted project runway to do a *paper challenge*
check out the link above for some amazing dresses, shoes and jewelry made out of paper.
another challenge for project runway would be to have them design a dress inspired by a postage stamp. maybe i should send them a letter with the suggestion.
i wonder if they get a lot of suggestions for challenges. of all the competition shows, i think it does the best of illustrating something valuable - design lessons. much of what they discuss applies to all kinds of design, not just fashion. and they have had two dresses this season where the designers *wrote* on the fabric. both received high marks.
this dress is by Georgia Karanika-Karaindrou of athens greece

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