This might be string art - or maybe not.
The card and envelope do not look like they were done together, but, I like the idea of doing the pulled string thing by putting the card and envelope face to face so you get the same image. I also like the idea of not keeping the two images together. Mix them up.
Really nice lettering, JeanR.
It is Friday, Sept 4. 5:43 pm. If I let myself watch a movie, I will fall asleep, miss at least half the movie and then have trouble sleeping through the night. Surfing keeps me awake and I found this. It is off topic - and this is just one of the options they have for very small group tours. This one even offers private tours. So *we* could arrange our own. Not that this will ever happen - but I do like the idea of a little trip for exchangers where we meet in person. Three days would be long enough.
At the bottom, you may click on [All Trips]
and see all of the other options.
Not that world travel is recommended these days - but we can dream.
Did I ever post the website where you could go study privately with artists?
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