Wednesday, February 8, 2017


I am not allowing myself any new stamps until i clear out the hoarded stash.

The top one is an image off a USPS site. I put a stamp over whatever the little girl was holding.

Then, I stressed over finding a stamp for Limner that went with the image of the Dorothy stamp that - again - is an image off the USPS site.

Nothing special about these two. The  idea that you can copy-paste-print any image off the internet is one to keep in mind when you are in the mood to putter, fold, glue rather than letter.

Back to archiving the second half of the 3,000 envelopes on the blog.

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet! You're sweet! Ms Dorothy never looked finer. I'm too excited to sleep after seeing this. What's an insomniac to so? I know! Grab some paper and a pencil.

    Thank you. I bought Dorothy x 20. I suppose it's time to put her to work, eh?
