Lauren has probably deduced from my blog that I am a big fan of Ogden Nash. As a second child, this poem has always resonated with me.
When my daughter had her first child, I was there for the first birthday and we went overboard making gorgeous props and getting fabulous photos and video in a lovely high rise apartment overlooking Long Island sound. It was spectacular. By the time her second child was approaching his first birthday, they were living in a generic house in Chicago, which is a town that has alleys. I was not going to be able to be there for his birthday and I begged her to get some Hostess cupcakes and just sit him in a brown box in the alley next to the dumpsters. She knew how important it was for me to have this photo and actually made it happen. Ben will be turning 4 in December and he recently said, "I don't want my birthday party in the alley. Can we have it in the garage?" I started thinking of all the fun boy-themed parties that could be held in a garage. My daughter is having none of it.

Thanks for starting my day off with a chuckle. The photo of your grandson in the alley is both precious and a riot. I am also a second child. 😺