Tuesday, November 14, 2023

To Sam, Amy, Maggie, Mia - in Oct

OK - we might be getting to the end of the Oct exchange envelopes. These two were my favorites. Mostly - it's because of the size of the letters. I could have done a lot of other names (first names) at this size - but I was already done with the Oct envelopes. I also like that I loosened up a bit. That only happens when I do at least 7 or maybe 10-12 envelopes in the same style. Apologies for saying this thing that I say over and over and over. If you want to get loose - or relaxed - you just have to do a lot of the same thing.....

I like the way I did the rainbow shading inside of Amy's.

Of course - right after I put in the time to loosen up and do something I like - I take it too far - and end up doing something that's not as good as the one that I was finally happy with. So why, once I have something I like - do I keep going? 

Because that's how it works. 

For me.

I'm not saying any of this makes sense for anyone else. There are a lot of people that want to look at one thing and work to get to that point and then be very satisfied with getting there. And then stay there. But - some of us are not content to get to a point and stay there. We have some little demon that keeps asking for variation. So - that's what we do - we seek variety.


It is now *real time* and Mia's envelope was hiding at the bottom - so it didn't have any words to go with it - and I do not recall what I would have said about it. I do not recall doing it - or whose idea I was appropriating at the time. I like that triple dot on the I's. 

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