Thursday, November 9, 2023

Oct to Chuck and Christy

I searched quite a while and never found which year I did this entire alphabet. I might search some more. It is actually a blend of two alphabets (neither are my own design) .... I think the one without pictures is called Black Cow. <pause> Yes, that's the name and you may find more of it on a blog search.

Here's another fun photo that Chuck found. 

Well - I have 15 blog posts loaded with just the photo - and need to go back and write the words. I am feeling very wordless. It is probably because as I write this I am in Chicago doing a 2 week stint of helping my daughter with all the things that are involved with daily life with kids in 4th and 2nd grade. 

I'm not sure I have recovered from my own decade (and a half) of having kids in elementary school. That particular phase started in 1985 and ended in 1999 - which was the year that I finally sent the oldest to college. And then 7 more years sending kids off to school.

Nope. I have not recovered. I hope this does not turn into a 15 part rant about raising kids.

JeanR saw that I was wondering how her granddaughter made that piece - and she kindly contacted her granddaughter. Here is the response:

I extruded a lot of clay coils, cut them at random lengths, interwove them, and made a few series of these chains. I connected them with fish line after they were fired.  (an aside:  "I'm thinking about picking that concept back up cause it was so fun.")

Thank you Jean for taking time to find out.

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