Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Sept from Christy

 This is a nice set of three images. Playing with scale is one of my favorite ways to come up with designs. The idea to add a tree works very nicely. Cover up the apple - and the stamp and the tree together are fine - but the big apple adds so much. and then cover up the tree and picture just the stamp and the big apple. That would have been fine - but the tree adds a lot. And then take the stamp away - and have a tree and a big apple - and that doesn't make much sense. I guess you could put the apple in the foreground and slide the tree behind it - to have them relate -- but - IMHO - the three together are better than any combination of just two.

Where are we on our 10 day rant? Seems like yesterday we got into the whole thing about how some people like consistency and others like variety - and that certainly brings us back to the challenges of family members trying to grow up in peace and harmony. Of all the things I had to wrap my head around when the stork started dropping babies down my chimney - is that storks have no idea what they are doing. 

Those babies are so random. And I've observed families where everyone appears to be on the same wavelength - but, IMHO, it does not happen all that often. I think I forgot to answer the question - which is harder - children or adult children? Answer coming up tomorrow.

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