Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Sept from Mia and Jessica - inspiration

Well, rats, I am in Chicago so I can't dig through my stacks to remind myself what Mia said about the inspiration for her design. It's possible that I can edit this post - when I get home - but - it's a solid 50-50 on whether or not that will happen. Maybe it will. Maybe it won't.

Below, Jessica was inspired by the shapes of the plants on the stamp. It would be fun to know how many times during these 5,885 posts I have suggested using the stamps for inspiration. I'm going to pass along another example of someone who is recognized as a creative force - Martin Scorsese - who appropriates ideas. I saw a video where he was talking about his 1 minute film for Chanel perfume. In the olden days we called them commercials - but apparently we don't do that anymore.

He started out by saying that it was harder to shoot a fabulous 1 minute film than to shoot a feature length film. I'm not going to even comment on that --- I sorta know what he saying - but - IMHO it's apples and oranges.

He went on to say that he was going to use a very specific film as his inspiration. Of course I have forgotten which film it was. It might have been an obscure Felini short - it doesn't matter - the point is that he boldly announces that he's going to do his own version of a very specific film. (And he might have specified two films - I don't have time to rewatch and get that detail correct.)

Once again - if people like Martin Scorsese are comfortable telling us where they get their ideas - then we should be just fine with snagging ideas from wherever we please. 

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