Grrrrr at myself. Patty wrote something about the design on this envelope - and I am being slothful about finding what she said. I think it is lovely -plus- it's fun to post envelopes with similar themes.

I had to delete everything that was pre-written because it assumed that I had joined in at the family T-day gathering. I imagine they will send some leftovers home with MrWilson. During the first 25 years of being married, the T-days were always at his mom's house. At the very first one, I happened to be in the kitchen when she was going to throw the turkey neck in the garbage. I stopped her - and asked if I could take it home because I really liked the necks. She was not aware that anyone ate turkey necks - but, she was happy to send it home with me. She always made a pan of oyster dressing and put the neck on top so that it would bake and release some flavorful juices into the dressing. But she never imagined anyone would want to eat it. I've experienced quite a few people who recoil in horror at the thought of eating a neck - so I apologize if this is an upsetting topic.
The following year, when we sat down for dinner at my mother-in-law's - the neck was on my plate. And it was a very large neck. She beamed - and said, "I remembered how much you like the neck." Well, yes, and thank you very much -- but I'm not going to eat it like a barbarian at the dinner table. At least the tradition of sending the neck home with Jean was established. Once in a while my mom would see packages of necks at the grocery store and invite me over for a *surprise.* I'd walk in the door and know immediately what my surprise was because of the aroma.
I apologize again if any readers are appalled at the eating of necks. There are far worse things that people eat. We're on a roll with filling up the posts - and I assure you there is something lettering related that pops up right after Christmas.
And then there are my kindred spirits who email me directly and let me know that I am not the only one when I write about some of these odd topics. I'll be curious to see what kinds of unusual things people tell me they enjoy eating. I'm especially interested in phoenix claw soup aficionados.
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