
In filling up the blog, I've mentioned that my new method is to just fill it up day by day and not jump around. That's been helpful. I am also going to go through my folders and pick one- and post everything so that I do not lose track of what's been posted.
I finally have the folder of the mailings I did for my daughters wedding and I am going to start a very long series about mail and a few other tidbits about the wedding. It will start on July 2nd. Since it has envelopes, it is not off topic. My jabbering will be off topic. It occurred to me that my daughter or granddaughter might be interested in all the little details of the mailings. Maybe not. It might just reinforce how unusual I am. Of course, some of you may not think I am unusual. Some of you might be on board with sending a ridiculous number of mailings for a wedding.
I also read through and edited all the June posts and found a number of topics to come back to. That has inspired me to go back and review the entire blog and find the items that I think are worth storing in my official *Jean's Perspective* blog. We'll see -- slogging through 10+ years of blog posts seems like it might be more than I can handle.
After reading just the first chapter of the scary sci-fi story about ISU, Hester sent me this link to *nightmare catchers.* I called them dream dolls, when I typed in the heading because I could not remember what they were called. I'll post the link to the blog where she saw them.
That link looks like it might go to the current blogpost. I can't make it add on the date. You may need to scroll to the May 26, 2021 post to see the nightmare catchers. She also has some nice shots of her garden.
I admire people who have such pretty gardens. From time to time, I have made an effort to improve the situation in my yard. This was the year that I announced to Mr Wilson that I am through with the yard. I give up. The weeds have won. He is free to do whatever he likes. I also gave up on the houseplants. One of them had a lot of sentimental value as it came from a cutting from my *that person* in college. I can't remember what you call the person who has to sign off on all your decisions. Advisor? I guess that's it. Anyhow, I thought the world of him - and was delighted when someone who had a cutting from his pencil cactus gave me a cutting. So, I've had that plant for longer than Mr Wilson and I have been married.
Just like that.
The pencil cactus - not Mr Wilson.
Not to get back into sci-fi again -- but, I've been on board with any and all of the research that discovers the way plants are just like people - they communicate and look out for each other. So - I did feel like a murderer. But, I got over it. I think the cactus was relieved to get out of my house. I think it's going to be a lot happier. Or, perhaps, someday it will exact some revenge on me.
Kate said she was not all that thrilled with how these curly caps came out. I think they are just fine. My only suggestion was that they might not feel as spontaneous as my version because she used a pointed nib and it is a little trickier to get your speed up with nibs and ink. I told her that I was going to try to do that style with some nibs and ink - and hopefully I will actually do that. I need to keep a list of all the things I blog about that I want to do. I might feel like I am accomplishing more and better stuff if I had a list and could cross things off.
As promised - for quite some time - Chuck thought of something to drag me out of my doldrums. The doldrums are gone - but I think I am missing them. No. That's a joke. But not really. It was a wretched phase and I apologize for putting you all through it.
Although, I did enjoy the part where I looked up words and learned a few things. And I enjoyed a few of the other things that went on during the dark time. Darkness is relative. And relativity is dark. I think I just made that up.
Is it obvious that I am having my noon cup of coffee -- and that Mr Wilson is grilling lunch? When I was whining about my disinterest in meals - and I said he could only make grilled cheese and pancakes, I forgot that he can grill. And he uses real charcoal. Whoop-whoop. My apologies to Mr Wilson.
Is she ever going to get to the Chuck-motivator?
Did anyone offer any guesses?
Are you all bored to tears because you know he sent me a new pen?
TWO new pens.
Yup - that's all it took. Voila. I snapped right out of it. Miracle, huh? Details tomorrow.
Lynne did her artwork on nice watercolor paper and then put it in a cello envelope and put the stamp on the outside. Really good idea. I have a hoard of envelopes, too. And I keep wondering what would happen if I used them up. I'm pretty sure that I could be very happy doing all of my envelopes on nice paper and then tucking them inside a cello envelope.
Oh dear, this is enough jabbering for one day. I'm pretty sure I can get back to the Chuck-motivator tomorrow. This is the first time in 10 years that I have had myself posting in order and not jumping around. It is a very good feeling. Ten years - see, that should make us feel better - that someone who was nearly hopeless was able to drag herself out of a miserable chaotic mess.
I am resisting the temptation to ask readers to submit guesses as to what the Chuck-motivator is. So, if you have a guess, go ahead and guess -- and we'll see if anyone can guess. I'm 99% sure that the answer will appear tomorrow. I'm 99% sure that starting today - the blog will not jump around. LOL
Another one that was already full -- stay tuned for Chuck's motivator
May 3rd - and I am waiting for lunch to show up - and sifting through the emails that I send to myself to remind me to post random items that may or may not be of interest to the 300+ people who seem to be checking the blog pretty much every day. That's a lot of people. I'm so flattered.
I am also curious as to what your interests are. If any of you have any interest in philately, here is a video. I have not watched it yet - because it is more than 3 minutes. It's 56 minutes. I do know someone who watched it and thought I would enjoy it. He is a cover collector. Philately is stamp collecting. Covers are envelopes with stamps and addresses. Cover collectors do not have a fancy name like philately.
Here is a link with more info on cover collecting terminology
We are cover collectors, if we save these envelopes that we exchange. Do you think anyone just tosses all of them? That would be interesting. Although, it wouldn't bother me. As I repeat endlessly, it's not the content - it's the process.
Do you think we should have a fancy name like philately? Envelatily? We can do better than that.
Philatilist is a collected of stamps. Envelopiter?
Enveluppity? Yes, sounds uppity. Plus there should be one name for the people who collect as well as a name for the people who create them. I think Mail Artist is fine for the creators.
Link to the philately video:
A few days ago there was an envelope with a fun font that I called PartyTime. That was the name on the the first exemplar I had which was done by Cheryl Adams. After I started teaching, I made my own exemplar and called it Anything Goes. It was one of my favorite fonts for teaching lettering because it illustrates how all 26 (x2) letters are made up of circles, arcs and straight lines.
If you Google *Partytime font* -- you will find a bunch of them. I posted one at the very end. They are wildly different, so, there is probably no way to figure out where this concept came from.
It is helpful for getting people to pay attention to the components of a letter. I redid the exemplars from time to time - and will post all of them. There is a lot of repetition. In a perfect world, we would create something that has everything we need on two pages - but that's not going to happen.
I have posted this column before, but, I think it is worth posting again. The people lived in my neighborhood although I do not know exactly which house. (The DMPublic Library researchers found the address for me. 732 40th Street. It is very close to and also looks a lot like Halston's house. The son who wrote the article is a person of note - a Pulitzer Prize winning author. He's only 82 - and is still around.
I pull this column out every few years and am reminded why I like it so much. On a daily basis, I avoid making left turns. And if I am riding in a car with Hunter, he will offer to take a right-turn-only route, just to honor/indulge my preferences.
A life without left turns
Posted 6/15/2006 9:57 PM ET | E-mail | Print | ![]() |
There is another (heart-breaking) column by Michael Gartner about losing a son.
Link to another Gartner column
How to write in a book.
Janna needs to write in a book and wondered how to do it without penciling in guide lines.
Before I show the steps I use, I'm going to add my thoughts on how to warn the client that it is nerve wracking to write in books and prepare them for what will happen if there is a mistake. I explain these things:
1. Many calligraphers refuse to take on these kinds of jobs because they do not like the stress.
2. I only do them if the client understands that we will have to agree on a backup plan if there is any unforeseen issue.
3. If there is an accident -- even if it is my mistake - I will not replace the book. I will cover it up creatively and beautifully.
There are many ways to cover up mistakes.
If the paper is awful, I propose that I write on a friendly paper and then adhere it to the page - as one would do with a book plate. Clients often like the look of a bookplate. You can layer a decorative paper to make a border.
If I end up writing in the book, I always do the job when I am home alone. I get all the preliminary work done the day before. I turn off the phone. I do not do it when I am tired. I write the words a couple times on practice paper. And then I write in the book. I do not like to do the preliminary work and then do the writing the same day - because they are two different kinds of brain work. I like to do the lettering when I have a clear head. It is possible to do it with people in the house, but you have to tell them to be very quiet and not make any loud noises that might startle you.
Depending on the client and the size of the job - sometimes I tell them that I will just do it for free. They always argue - but if I am not in the mood to feel the stress - sometimes, I insist on doing it for free - and that relieves the stress entirely. I never had more than one write-in-a-book job per year. So, it is hard to feel really skilled at something that you hardly ever do. But, it is nice to help people who just want something pretty. I often showed them samples of really pretty lettering using Pigma Microns. They were usually thrilled -- and there wasn't any need to use pen and ink.