Chuck's (above) and Kristine's below look like they were working at the same desk and sharing their markers.
So many people who took classes with me were emphatic that there is a difference between people based on their skill levels. Famous people have something else going on - different from hobbyists or wanna-bees. (not sure how to spell that word)
I have given up trying to convince people that famous people or professionals are not all that different. Of course there are some differences. But, those questions, insecurities, indecisions, frustrations that the non-famous experience -- are alive and well in the famous. IMHO, the only difference is that those who end up with fame -even a modest amount- really only had one thing that made them different.
They couldn't make themselves stop doing that thing they felt like doing. Of all the common threads I see when reading the biographies or watching the documentaries - that is the one I see the most.
So, with that -- June is complete -- and we will launch ourselves into July and if you are bored to death with two full weeks of wedding mailings -- I apologize. But, of all the things I've ever done, I'm pretty sure it is my all time favorite project.

link to story about the hidden message
Those are really fun and colorful. I really like your observations and am interested in what biographies and documentaries were good. I just finished listening to Greenlights by Matthew McConaughy. Definitely try to get the audiobook. I think it proves what you wrote. I don’t know how I felt about it, but so entertaining. I haven’t stopped talking about it (as my daughter told me), so it’s a four star read. Give us your recommendations, please. Keep cool from hot MA