Friday, March 8, 2024

To Tom from Patty --- The Gentle Penman


Eleven posts to write -- I know Patty personally - and we might discuss the pros and cons of 4, 6 or 8-pointed snowflakes. But only if she remembers to bring it up. Since her career was in the education universe - she'll have a lot to add to the conversation. She gets A+ for being consistently supportive of my admonition to give the USPS a nice clear address that the scanners can pick up. I have a USPS story for tomorrow.


I do not recall if I have ever linked to The Gentle Penman - if I have - it's been a while. Over the years, there were a few different websites that popped up to offer online calligraphy courses. Then the pandemic swooped in and the whole world shifted gears to be more organized about online options. 

I do not know the Gentle Penman - he seems young and he is not on the list of instructors - so, I'm guessing he was the magic person who showed up and figured out a way to build the largest stable of most highly skilled scribes who are willing to teach. It looks like he is in Hong Kong. Now I'm curious to learn more about him. Oh - that was easy - click on the [About] tab -

Maybe everyone already knows about The Gentle Penman - if not - happy surfing - here is the list of instructors. It was fun for me to see how may of them I have met personally (hint: they are the ones with gray hair) - I've met 13 of them -- taken classes from 7 - back in the olden days when we classes were in person.

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