Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Nov from Kate, Troy, and Sharon
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Nov - from Cathy. Leslie, Paula
Monday, January 29, 2024
NOV from Grace - utter silliness
And speaking of the fridge, which we were doing yesterday - I would like to change the person in the photo to my older son who averages less than one visit to our house per year - and without fail, when he opens the fridge, he finds moldy cheese.
So the caption would read: When I miss my parents, I put 8 chunks of moldy cheese in my fridge and then it feels like home.
Sunday, January 28, 2024
From Madison in Nov - Refrigerator roulette
A quick search on the blog indicates that I have never talked about Refrigerator Roulette. It's something Ive done for years. It is a game of solitaire where upon opening the fridge to find something to eat, I start opening many items - and take a bite and decide whether or not it is edible. Jackpot is when the player wins instantly - if the first item is edible and there is enough that the player does not have to look further.
If the first bite is inedible, the player proceeds to other items. It is possible to get a faux-jackpot on the second or third item. And then the game ends. However. If the player hits E,EFY (Expired, Even For You) three times in a row, then the player must drop everything and do a full sweep of the fridge.
The player is assured of a win-win situation. Win number 1, the fridge is cleaned. Win number 2, the player will no longer be hungry - because either - 2A - they found plenty of bites that added up to a meal or 2B - their stomach is churning and they have lost their appetite. Sometimes the loss of appetite lingers for the rest of the day and the player gets a 3rd win - they have more time to putter at their desk.
Saturday, January 27, 2024
Nov - From Maggie - Ogden Nash
A couple days ago - when I was looking for a word to describe a image that was a *mind-sticker* I thought of something else

Friday, January 26, 2024
Nov - Fashion from Inta + Not Just A Label
Once in a while I find something in the world of fashion to post. This site is lots of fun if you like the edgiest of the edgy. My favorite thing about it is that within the first 3 pages - I found examples of avant-garde clothing - from 6 of the 7 continents. It's nice to know that the trend is everywhere. Well, probably not in Iowa. But, everywhere else.
- or here's their Instagram - if you prefer
Thursday, January 25, 2024
Nov from Rachael - Big Mailbox
As I spend my 5-7 days being the caregiver to MrWilson and his Covid situation, some of my down-time is spent going down my own blog's rabbit hole. On the post that featured the giant mailbox in Svalbard - there was a comment from a DianneO alerting me to this giant mailbox in Douglasville, GA. I apologize for not posting this sooner. I wonder if DianneO is still reading the blog.
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
From Leslie in Nov - Antarctica
One of yesterday's links was to a post mentioning my son's ski trip to Svalbard - which is as close as you can get to the North Pole for a ski trip. Not that they have any ski resorts - you have to hike up mountains and ski down. Same thing at the *South Pole* or as close as you can get - which he has done. I think there is a blog post about that trip.
Recently I ran across an Instagram guy who worked at a station in Antarctica. I spent a fair amount of time looking at his posts. First link is to his account. Second link is one with a fun series of clips that show what it's like to fly into Antarctica.
LINK to main page about life in Antarctica
LINK to flying into Antarctica
Link to a visit to Shackleton's hut
The huts are amazing ---
Nov from Quiroz - Question for Inta
Inta - I saw this on Pinterest and there were other photos of groups of people wearing what appear to be lampshades on their heads. It is linked to a site in the Netherlands - so maybe you can explain what it means. Or this might have been a random idea - and just a coincidence that they live in the Netherlands.
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Nov from Amy - Jeweler
It seems like it's been a while since I linked to the NYTimes. I like to keep it less than monthly so that nobody runs into their firewall. Hopefully this will pop up. It's a jeweler with perspectives that parallel many of my perspectives.
First - her Studio Sweep series - using up all the bits and pieces she has on hand. The word *mishmash* appears in the second paragraph. Then - her mixture of precious stones with unconventional materials. And this quote from the article: Calligraphy has influenced several series. “I’m charmed by the thick and thin swoops,” she said, “and I love achieving that effect by what I call ‘askew hammering.’”
There's more -
There are not many photos of her work with the article - but there are plenty if you go to Google images and search Judy Gelb Jeweler. I'd call her work nouveau-hippie. Or maybe she's been a lifelong hippie. Is there a name for that?
Monday, January 22, 2024
Nov from Janet - MrW Covid Day 1
I am writing this on the Monday before Thanksgiving. The system where I stay organized is going very well - but that might be because I am stuck at home caring for MrWilson who has covid and it is his first time. I had it once, while visiting my daughter and family in Chicago - when Typhoid Maury (the grandson) brought it home from school. He was asymptomatic and insists he did not have it. Several kids in his class had it -- and he tested positive - so we know he brought it home - but we know better than to argue with a small boy (he was 6 at the time).
I just finished Day One - of quarantining MrWilson in the bedroom that has an en suite - or ensuite if you prefer. He escaped once, and we had a little masked chit chat. We're grateful that he seems to be in the mild zone. However, having only mild symptoms will make it very challenging for him.
Sunday, January 21, 2024
From Christy in Nov - Violin Maker
Do I have too many links to people who make stuff? This one is a violin maker. It's too bad that the focus of the title is focused on the value - but - we've all heard about Stradivarius violins?
Or if you already know you have no interest in violins - here is the channel - with all kinds of other makers who are very skilled. Tailoring, embroidery, carving, welding, and more.
I have mixed feelings about some of the extravagant things that are made and sold to people who already have more than they need. Part of me is sad for them that their main *thing* is finding things to buy and they miss out on the pleasure of making things. Of course, for those people who prefer to have a career making things - I guess they are grateful that there are customers. I certainly fell into that category when I *needed* people to pay me to address envelopes - that's about as un-necessary a service as you can get.
Saturday, January 20, 2024
From Smash in Nov - Tom the artist
A search did not offer any posts where I talked about Tom Friedman, the artist - not to be confused with Tom Friedman the writer. It's really hard to decide which of Tom's pieces to feature. Somewhere I think I have a photo of the piece that the Des Moines art museum owns. It inspired me to do a bunch of cutwork which ended up giving me tennis elbow.
Another piece of his that was in an exhibit at our local museum was a large sheet of paper and he started with a brand new Bic pen and wrote and wrote and wrote, filling the paper until the ink was used up. When I look at my excess of art supplies, I wonder if maybe I should use up some of them in pieces that are designed to use up the supplies.
If you have time to kill - maybe you will enjoy looking at Tom's work. Or maybe you will think it is ridiculous. Either way is fine with me.
This link takes you to his works organized by the year they were done. To the left is another option where you can see them organized by category. Warning: some of his stuff is weirder than what we usually find on my blog - but since a bunch of you are anonymous - maybe you've been waiting for a link to something a little edgier than flowers and polka dots. Tom has flowers and polka dots, too.
He's made many pieces out of paper which appeals to me.
Feathers from Mary and Jessica in Nov - Sakura
I just found out that I have been pronouncing Sakura incorrectly. Listen to the first part of this video. I think she is saying SOCK-ooh-rah.
Will I be remembering to use the correct pronunciation? I'll try. Did everyone know I was mispronouncing it but were too polite to tell me?
Real time comment: I have no recollection of learning this or writing this.
Friday, January 19, 2024
From Patty in Nov - 7,000 images
It took a while, but I finally found the portal to where Google is storing the 7,000 images on my blog. At first they looked like they were in chronological order - but then some very old stuff came up. It's unlikely that I would ever figure out how to organize them. Maybe it's best to just let them be a happy jumble.
One idea that popped up was to put together a group of envelopes that are fool proof. That means they are ideas that do not require actual skill at lettering. They do rely on having enough art supplies to match the colors in the stamp. But the basic layout has enough going on that anyone could execute the design.
Do you think I can find an example - it is 6:45 - let's see how long it takes...
OK - 4 minutes later and I just saved 10 examples to re-run. I'll space them out -
Real time comment. I have no recollection of writing this and I have no idea where I *saved* those 10 examples. <sigh>
That previous *real time comment* was not in real time. This is real time. Good morning - I see that I did not say anything about Patty's envelope. It is a good example of a fool proof design. Do something along the west coast - make a bold first name along Interstate 80 - give the USPS a clear address - and choose your shapes and colors off the stamp. Voila.
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Nov from Irene - Changing a habit
Today we begin Step 2 in the new process of scheduling posts. I will post all of the exchange envelopes that arrive in November. From now on - it should be easy to figure out whether or not I have posted an image that pops up out of nowhere. Fingers crossed that this works.
Well, that didn't last long. I do not have a system for posting images that pop up from other places.
Back to the drawing board.
On Nov 17 after a day packed with errands, etc, I was exhausted at 5 pm and decided to work on the blog. I did a search that led me to a 2011 blog post - and I was dumbfounded at the lengthy (and rather silly/ridiculous things I used to talk about) I hesitate to even mention it - lest it encourages anyone to go back to see what I mean. Trust me-- don't go back.
I've toyed with the idea of a new blog - that reposts things that are worth saving. I even checked and the name thisisworthsaving(at)blogspot(dot)com is available. I resisted the temptation to start such a blog.
That book Atomic Habits - on how to actually change your habits for the better has had a profound impact on me. Not that I can remember exactly how -- I think it was just someone telling me that it was possible to change a habit. That might have been Step One. I have no idea where I heard this - but I think I heard that a huge part of people not escaping bad habits is that their baseline belief is that change is impossible.
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Mary's color blocks
Mary's fifth (and final) envelope in this series is one that could be used in many different ways. Mary chose black plus 4 colors - from the stamp. Any stamp with at least 3 colors could work for this. The design could also include a shape in the corner that was a border for the stamp. If (when) I appropriate this idea - I know I will write the name and address first and then box it in.
Mary sent this image - so I can't examine it and see if she started with a white envelope. I like that there is no white left on the paper. It might have been a yellow envelope. I have some yellow envelopes so I might see if I can make this work on yellow - no - I miscounted the colors. I didn't count the turquoise. There are 5 colors - and unless you had paint pens - layering turquoise over yellow is probably going to make a muddy color. Even that dark purplish blue would be a challenge.
I'm pretty sure I am going to try this with a white envelope and maybe even work in some white as one of the colors. Or how about a black/white/gray design. There are many ways to go with this one.
So how did I do on my test run - to see if I can adhere to my new plan to schedule posts and do it in an orderly fashion? So far - I get an A+. I emptied a folder and I did not do any jumping around. I'm not confused. Although, I might be unaware of confusion - which sorta makes not-being-confused - out of my reach. And my head hurts just thinking about how that works.
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Mary's mummy for JeanR
Monday, January 15, 2024
Mary's kitty design for Carolyn
Sunday, January 14, 2024
2nd Mary envelope - to Amy (Egg)
Super cute idea. The stamp looks like it belongs in the landscape. The success of this IMHO hinges on the background color of the stamp being so close to the color of the envelope. It's hard to imagine how this would work on a white envelope. The bright white egg seems to be an essential part of the success. Maybe someone could make it work - but not me.
Saturday, January 13, 2024
Mary series - Patty's owl
Friday, January 12, 2024
Scroll down to today's regular post
BigHelpfulBrother just sent me a blurb about the earliest known piece of mail with a postage stamp- going up for auction:
This shows the original envelope - re-purposed - the flip side from the side that had the stamp.
I am almost inspired to take envelope I receive and turn them inside out ----
Nov to Patty
Patty and I took a field trip to the place you go if you want the best quality prints of your artwork. She had a nice stack of watercolors. She also had a painting on a canvas that someone had admired and she was considering making a print of it. The company can print on canvas and you can have it stretched onto stretchers. It's very cool and I had it done one time - because my MrWilson wanted a large piece of art for his office and the high school art teacher had called me to pick up a piece my son had done. It was the end of the year and she knew I would love it and she also knew that my son would never follow through with her request to take it home. I was soooo grateful that she had the foresight to call me.
I suggested to Patty that she just make another painting. She agreed that it made more sense to do another version of the painting - and even thought of things that she'd do differently. I'll be curious to find out if she actually does make a second painting.