Thursday, September 7, 2023

Inspired by Rachael to Janet

This is an *oops* post. I meant to schedule it in October - but it popped up today - and I have not even mailed it -- today's regular post is right below - and when I read it this morning - I was thinking it was a dud. So maybe adding something better was a good idea/mistake.

You have already seen the envelope from Rachael. I decided to *copy* it on one of my September exchange envelopes. It was not my goal to make an exact duplicate - it was supposed to be a general *inspiration.*  There was that added issue of how to draw the images and then outline them because I have so much trouble coloring in. The first problem was that lower bird and his big fat head. The upper bird is also lacking in finesse. I should have done a better job of getting thicker thicks on the lettering. And then my attention span for making dots was underwhelming. I think I need to turn on things to listen to if I try another one of these. More dots would have helped a lot. Darker green on the greenery would have helped. I should probably use colored pencils to beef up my colors. The proportion of the name on Rachael's is so much better. The *dot* things at the ends of the thin curled strokes should also be larger. This reminds me of all the gyrations I went through when I tried to copy one of Rachael's holiday wreaths. I spent so much time analyzing the details. 

Sometimes I can take an idea and do a loose interpretation and it's just fine. Other times - not so much. I have no idea what's behind that success and *meh* - I wouldn't call this a failure. I'll probably try it a few more times....


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