Thursday, August 12, 2021

Last of the pottery to Smash

These were the last of a favorite sheet of vintage stamps. Seeing them reminds me how much I regret that I did not tag every single post and mention the stamp that was used. It would have been so much fun to do a search on any particular stamp and see how many different ideas popped up. I suppose I could start doing that. But, then I would want to also tag the style of writing and I don't know how I would do that. So, we will just have to put up with the ever-growing pile of mail and no good way to search for ideas. 

I often think about creating a place with some orderly re-posts - that help when I need to find an idea. Since the news of the day (as I write this in mid June) is that there are some very strong and sneaky variants -- maybe we are in for another wretched wave of pandemic and endless staying home. If that happens, I might have time to get the ideas organized and easy to search. 


Real time add on:

Reading what I wrote a couple months ago - noting the current state of the pandemic and pondered how things would be in a couple months is very interesting. Foreshadowing.

Today, one of my more outspoken friends stopped over to see how I was doing. A friend of hers had recently gone to the ER with a non-covid related problem and was stunned at how many probable covid patients were coughing and saying things like, "Dang. I wish I had gotten the vaccination." She was very uncomfortable sitting in a room with all the coughing.

My friend thinks the hospitals should set up triage tents in the parking lots outside ERs and give covid tests to everyone. If you have covid - you are transferred to a covid only facility. Any hospital workers who refuse to get vaccinations would be transferred to work at the covid facility. Of course the idea is not feasible. Maybe this next wave will inspire enough people to get vaccinations. One bonk on the head and I've turned into Pollyanna.


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